Be safe with your plastic surgery!

This recent USA Today article highlights several tragic but avoidable situations in which unqualified and dangerous physicians who were not boarded by the American Board of Plastic Surgery- and not properly trained in plastic surgery- caused the deaths of patients who were seduced by a sales pitch and a discount.
Particularly with liposuction, the overdose of patients with drugs used during this operation is avoidable and a major point of teaching during the vigorous residency training in plastic surgery. Non-plastic surgeons who tout themselves as cosmetic surgeons can perform such operations without oversight in their non-accredited offices. It is crucial that patients are aware to look for accreditation of both their plastic surgeon as well as their surgery centers.
Surgery centers such as ours are certified by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities which provides rigorous standards. Certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery assures adequate training of your doctor. Locally, Dr. Howard Gross, Dr. Douglas Mackenzie, Dr. Julio Soares, Dr. David Buchanan, and myself (Dr. Lowenstein) are all fully trained plastic surgeons certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and operate in highly standardized and certified Surgery Centers. For liposuction, breast augmentation, abdominoplasty (tummy tucks), face lifts and all other types of plastic surgery, it is important to seek out the right surgeon and the right facility.