Breast Augmentation with Lift Photo Gallery

Case # 5001
34- Year old woman with a 300cc- right, 275cc- left silicone gel breast augmentation and breast lift in Santa Barbara by Dr. Lowenstein.
*Individual Results May Vary
Case # 5001
34- Year old woman with a 300cc- right, 275cc- left silicone gel breast augmentation and breast lift in Santa Barbara by Dr. Lowenstein.
*Individual Results May VaryCase # 5001
34- Year old woman with a 300cc- right, 275cc- left silicone gel breast augmentation and breast lift in Santa Barbara by Dr. Lowenstein.
*Individual Results May VaryCase #5012
37- Year old woman with a 340cc silicone gel breast augmentation and a breast lift using Mentor Implants by Dr. Lowenstein in Santa Barbara
4 weeks post-op
*Individual Results May Vary
Case #5012
37- Year old woman with a 340cc silicone gel breast augmentation and a breast lift using Mentor Implants by Dr. Lowenstein in Santa Barbara
4 weeks post-op
*Individual Results May VaryCase #5012
37- Year old woman with a 340cc silicone gel breast augmentation and a breast lift using Mentor Implants by Dr. Lowenstein in Santa Barbara
4 weeks post-op
*Individual Results May VaryCase #6652
39 year old female treated with a 405cc in the left, and 375cc in the right breast. Procedure performed was a breast augmentation and periareolar mastopexy (breast lift) by Dr. Lowenstein in Santa Barbara.
*Individual Results May Vary
Case #6652
39 year old female treated with a 405cc in the left, and 375cc in the right breast. Procedure performed was a breast augmentation and periareolar mastopexy (breast lift) by Dr. Lowenstein in Santa Barbara.
*Individual Results May VaryCase #6652
39 year old female treated with a 405cc in the left, and 375cc in the right breast. Procedure performed was a breast augmentation and periareolar mastopexy (breast lift) by Dr. Lowenstein in Santa Barbara.
*Individual Results May VaryCase #6653
24 year old female with an Allergan SRM 295cc on the Right and Allergan SRM 275cc on the Left silicone gel breast augmentation and breast lift in Santa Barbara by Dr. Lowenstein
2 months post op.
*Individual Results May Vary
Case #6653
24 year old female with an Allergan SRM 295cc on the Right and Allergan SRM 275cc on the Left silicone gel breast augmentation and breast lift in Santa Barbara by Dr. Lowenstein
2 months post op.
*Individual Results May VaryCase #6653
24 year old female with an Allergan SRM 295cc on the Right and Allergan SRM 275cc on the Left silicone gel breast augmentation and breast lift in Santa Barbara by Dr. Lowenstein
2 months post op.
*Individual Results May VarySchedule A Consultation
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