Neck Lift in Santa Barbara, CA

While most aging concerns are focused on the face, the neck is not immune to the toll time can take on the skin and tissue. In fact, some people may find the neck ages faster than the face, thanks to our technology age that has us bending our heads down to create premature banding in some cases.
Fortunately, there are surgical solutions for refreshing the neck, just like there are procedures available to rejuvenate the face. Dr. Lowenstein at Montecito Plastic Surgery offers some of the most innovative techniques in neck lifts available today, designed to produce the most natural, beautiful results possible.

Anti-Aging Facial Surgery
Some patients shy away from having anti-aging surgery on the neck or face because they are afraid they will end up with the notorious over-tightened look seen in Hollywood. However, Dr. Lowenstein employs procedures and techniques that eliminate that unnatural, windswept appearance in favor of a refreshed look that is distinctly you. Some of the methods offered by Dr. Lowenstein are not available by many surgeons in the Santa Barbara area or even across the country. Patients that choose Montecito Plastic Surgery for their procedure will be delighted and impressed by the results Dr. Lowenstein can achieve.

What Procedures Can Be Combined with a Neck Lift?
In addition to a neck lift, Dr. Lowenstein might advise patients to include a facelift, brow lift, eyelid surgery, or other anti-aging options to create even more dramatic results. In most cases, multiple treatments can be combined into one procedure. This saves you money and time by reducing recovery days and minimizing certain costs like anesthesia and facility fees.
How Aging Affects the Neck
The aging process can have many effects on the neck area. Collagen loss within the dermal structure leads to significant skin laxity, producing the dreaded “turkey neck,” where skin folds begin to resemble a turkey wattle. At the same time, submental fat accumulates underneath the jawline to give the appearance of a double chin. Loosening of the platysma (neck) muscle produces horizontal banding around the neck, exacerbating the aged appearance and leaves some running for the turtlenecks.
Because there is continuity between the neck and lower face, you might also notice a loss of definition around the jawline and the formation of jowls. Deep creases around the nose and mouth can also develop. Because these aging symptoms commonly appear simultaneously, it is not unusual for Dr. Lowenstein to recommend combining a lower facelift with the neck lift to form a smoother contour and a seamless line between the lower face and the neck.
Preparing for Your Neck Lift
When assessing whether a neck lift is the right option for you, Dr. Lowenstein will take into consideration your specific concerns as well as the degree of correction needed to deliver your desired outcome. Dr. Lowenstein will conduct a thorough analysis of your unique conditions, review your medical history and listen intently to your aesthetic goals. This information will be used to determine the best possible approach to your neck lift, but it is also a crucial part of ensuring the surgery is safe.
You should be sure to disclose any health conditions, current medications and lifestyle factors that might affect the outcome of your procedure. Once your initial meeting with Dr. Lowenstein is completed, you will feel comfortable with your upcoming surgery and confident in your choice of Dr. Lowenstein.
The J-Plasty Advantage
Dr. Lowenstein employs a unique and innovative process known as J-plasty, which combines the surgical approach to skin tightening with the nonsurgical. Helium gas plasma is injected into the skin through a small tube known as a cannula during this procedure. A device then delivers radiofrequency energy into the skin, ionizing the helium gas. The reaction causes the targeted skin to constrict and tighten on a cellular level. Dr. Lowenstein can perform J-plasty alone or in conjunction with traditional neck lift techniques, depending on the level of correction a patient needs. The J-plasty procedure stimulates collagen production, which enhances the body’s ability to maintain a taut and youthful appearance on its own.
About the Neck Lift Procedure
A traditional neck lift is usually performed under general anesthesia, especially if the surgery will include other surgical procedures. If J-plasty is performed alone, it can be done using local anesthetic and sedation. Our team will work with you to determine which option is the best fit for your situation. In most cases, excess skin will need to be removed during a neck lift. Dr. Lowenstein takes great care to ensure all the incisions are as discreet as possible. He does this by using the body’s natural folds and hidden locations to hide the scarring. Two standard incision locations are used: traditional neck lift incisions and a limited neck lift incision. Traditional neck lift incisions are performed when a substantial amount of skin will need to be removed. They typically begin at the hairline above the sideburn, continue around the back of the ear and end somewhere near the bottom of the hairline.
In a limited neck lift, the incisions are shorter, usually only appearing around the back of the ear. Shorter incisions mean less access to skin restructuring, but it also means less visible scarring. During your consultation, we will happily work with you to determine the appropriate length of incisions for your goals.
Natural, Beautiful Results
A surgical neck lift yields beautiful, long-lasting results, especially when skin-tightening is enhanced through J-plasty. Results should last for many years, and you will be able to extend those results by protecting the skin of the neck from the sun and using high-quality skincare products on the area year-round. To learn more about Dr. Lowenstein’s neck lift techniques, contact Montecito Plastic Surgery today at 805-969-9004.
Like the face, the dermal structure of the neck experiences collagen depletion over time. This process leads to skin laxity, the formation of the “turkey wattle” and horizontal banding around the neck. By tightening the dermal structure and removing excess skin, Dr. Lowenstein can efficiently reverse these aging signs and create a smoother, more youthful contour.
Dr. Lowenstein offers a unique skin laxity treatment called the J-plasty, which utilizes cool helium plasma skin tightening. This method allows the skin to smooth itself without excess mechanical pulling, avoiding the overly done, windswept appearance.
As it ages, the platysma muscle can form bands in the neck as its supportive structure weakens. As part of the Santa Barbara facelift, the platysma muscle is tightened under the jaw and laterally in the neck, effectively supplying a corset or sling to reshape this area. In some patients, the sculpting of fat via liposuction is performed to contour this area further.
The blended cheek and neck lift reflects a modern three-dimensional understanding of detailed facial anatomy. Repositioning and sculpting of fallen facial tissue provide an individualized rejuvenating procedure. The blended cheek and neck lift is designed to make patients appear like a more youthful, rested version of themselves.
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