Liposuction or CoolSculpting?

Today I had a patient come in for liposuction, but like most Santa Barbara residents, she has a very active lifestyle. We talked about the fact that liposuction results in nearly complete fat evacuation, but requires somewhat intense postoperative care, with a compression garment and a lack of excessive physical activity for a few weeks.
CoolSculpting, on the other hand, reduces the fat in the area treated by about 20% per treatment- a noticeable and significant improvement. Areas treated with CoolSculpting can be treated a second time if necessary, effectively removing nearly 50% of the fat in the area treated after both treatments. The big advantage here is the recovery, which is minimal. Since patients can return to vigorous workouts and physical activity the day after the procedure, CoolSculpting is very popular here in Santa Barbara. Additionally, since there is not a requirement for compression dressings afterward, that aspect of recovery is also more pleasant.
It is important to keep in mind that CoolSculpting, while an excellent way to reduce pockets of fat, is not necessarily a substitution for liposuction. Patients with generalized fat that does not collect in discrete regions will benefit more from definitive liposuction than CoolSculpting. Certain areas, such as the buttocks and lateral thighs, are much better treated with liposuction and we see excellent results in such patients.
Please feel free to call the office at 805-969-9004 to make an appointment to discuss which is right for you– CoolSculpting or Liposuction in Santa Barbara.