The TouchMD Advantage in Breast Augmentation

We have been very happy with our TouchMD system over the past few months, and patient reaction to this remarkable software has been outstanding. With TouchMD patients are able to log into their own web portal and view information about our practice as well as a multitude of different plastic surgery procedures. Everything from videos about different plastic surgery techniques, to patient testimonials, to education on anatomy is available to my patients here.
At your consultation, you will be able to visualize content and customize your portal to retain specific information about your individual situation. Consistent with the personalized approach to your care that you will see throughout our plastic surgery practice, TouchMD even allows breast augmentation patients to visualize what their expectations should be with different sized implants with actual photos of you in clothes with your new size… that you can take with you and refer back to at any time on your TouchMD app on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. This is not an animated cartoon, or a rotating torso that does not relate the proportions of the rest of your body. These are photos of the real you, in your clothes, with your personal style… for you to take with you and show to whomever you like.
TouchMD is a very helpful tool for me as well, and largely the reason for my reputation for achieving just the look that patients request. I can see these photos as well, and in surgery I can work to achieve your goals because I can see your goals on my computer screens in the operating room. In my career to date, I have only changed the size in one of my patients after primary breast augmentation because I achieve just what the patient wants nearly every time. This is the context of the hundreds and hundreds of breast implants that I have placed. My efforts to achieve the best outcome possible are certainly aided by my outstanding staff and the tools in my office- TouchMD is one of the best tools that I have. To find out more about TouchMD, call my office and have your portal created today- there is no charge or obligation to have your very own TouchMD source for information and education.
-Dr. Lowenstein