My Long Weekend in Dallas

It’s Sunday morning and I’m in the spending the weekend in Dallas with my good friend and accomplished plastic surgeon Dr. David Genecov. David and I have known each other for a long time and have collaborated on many projects involving plastic surgery presentations and plastic surgery education on the national scene.
The main reason I have for coming to Dallas is a visit to the Mentor Breast Implant company’s manufacturing plant tomorrow, followed by an executive meeting of the Board of Directors for Mentor Worldwide on Tuesday. The Mentor Corporation has recently asked be to become an advisor to their Board of Directors, and I am very much enjoying being involved in the advancement of breast surgery at this level. I have been extraordinarily impressed with the dedication and innovation that I am seeing from the Mentor team, and it is no wonder to me why they are currently the leading breast implant company in the United States.
As an extra privilege, I’ll be spending some time here with a good friend and his family, though I must admit that I’m missing my own wife and daughter during these increasingly frequent business trips. In any case, it’s back to Montecito on Wednesday and a full day of breast surgery on Thursday. Patients seem to be showing up in droves, and January is almost fully booked with at least one face lift each week. I’m getting to enjoy my time away as well as my time at work, and I have nothing to complain about.
-Dr. Lowenstein