Finally after what seems to have been eons of planning and building and finishing and polishing, we are moving into our new office and surgery center
Finally after what seems to have been eons of planning and building and finishing and polishing, we are moving into our new office and surgery center
The TouchMD Advantage in Breast Augmentation
We have been very happy with our TouchMD system over the past few months, and patient reaction to this remarkable software has been outstanding
Keller Funnel and the no-touch technique
Today we tried out the Keller Funnel which is a great tool that allows me to place a silicone gel implant through a very small incision. Additionally
Now at Montecito Plastic Surgery… Montecito Medical Spa!
Frequently Asked Questions on Facelifts 5
Dr. Adam Lowenstein answers your most frequently asked questions about the Facelift procedure. Learn more here and schedule your consultation today!
Dr. Lowenstein Featured in 805 Living Magazine
Check out Dr. Lowenstein’s feature discussion about facial surgery and CoolSculpting in 805 Living Magazine!
Ultherapy- A new non-surgical option for facial rejuvenation!!!
I am very pleased to be able to offer a new non-invasive and non-surgical option for patients who may be considering facial rejuvenation- Ultherapy
Make sure you know who is operating on you!!!
Once again, another feature on a woman who went to a non-plastic surgeon for plastic surgery
It’s Sunday morning and I’m in the spending the weekend in Dallas with my good friend and accomplished plastic surgeon Dr. David Genecov.
Our New Website! More information about Santa Barbara Plastic Surgery than ever before
I’m so pleased to announce our new website is finished and live on the web. The new format is easy to navigate, cleaner to visualize, and adds a lot of new content