Tanning beds have been ranked alongside cigarettes, arsenic and asbestos as posing the greatest threat of cancer to humans by an international cancer research group
Blog page 9
Press Release- Patients Traveling Longer Distances to See Santa Barbara Plastic Surgeon
With hopes of the economic recovery on the horizon, more and more people are once again considering plastic surgery as a means of self-improvement.
Evolence gets FDA nod for lasting 12 MONTHS!!
Evolence, the soft tissue collagen filler that everyone is talking about, just got FDA approval for labelling their product as lasting 12 months
Breast augmentation and choice of incision
With every breast augmentation patient in Santa Barbara, I go over the various types of breast implants, the various pockets that breast implants can be placed in, and the different incisions that can be used.
Coming from Beverly Hills for Plastic Surgery
We are seeing more and more women come from Beverly Hills and Hollywood to have their plastic surgery in Santa Barbara. I find this a very interesting phenomenon.
I’ve finally been persuaded to put up a Facebook page for our office, which you can find HERE.
Fillers for firefighting - the Jesusita fire
Recently, our entire Santa Barbara community was affected by the Jesusita fire, from Goleta to Montecito
A friend showed me an article in a recent edition of Forbes Magazine about a New York plastic surgeon that is performing something he calls a Y-lift.
Everyone here at the Montecito Center for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery would like to wish all of our patients and friends a very happy holiday season, and a fantastic 2009. Be safe, be happy, and be healthy!
I would not use it on my patients if I had reservations about it, and it ranks highly as one of the most satisfying patient therapies short of surgery.